
prehensive and consolidating abilities.
Section3 Teaching methods and aids.
1. Enjoyment of a short film before reading to make the students interested in what they’ll learn.
2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.
3. Careful reading to answer some detailed questions
4. Multi-media
Section4 Teaching procedures.
Part1 Lead-in
Help the students to recall the well ?known film TITANNIC by showing them a short flash of the film. The purpose of this activity is to arouse the students’ interest and curiosity to read the passage. (on the screen )
Part 2. Reading comprehension- fast reading and careful reading
1. Reading strategy ? predicting information in advance.
Before asking the students to skim the passage, direct their attention to reading strategy first. Conduct the activity as follows .(on the screen)
2. Skimming
Ask the students to skim the passage and complete the three questions of Part A on page 42.
3. Reread the passage
Ask the students to reread the passage and identify which statements are true and which are false. Have the students complete Part C1 individually. Check the answer as a class. Statements in Part C2 are summaries of the paragraphs. Ask the students to match the statements with the paragraphs. Check the answer as a class.
4. Listening for detailed information
eva luate the students’ comprehension by asking them to identify the relationships between these characters. (on the screen)
5. structure reading
Ask the students to divide the text into a few parts according to the general idea of each paragraph .(on the screen)
According to the diagram,I let the students make a summary of the text or let students fill in the blanks .(on the screen)
Part 3. Consolidation
Ask the students to complete Part D and E individually . I can adapt Part D as the example shows . After completing Part D, the students are required to read the article in Part E and then fill in the missing words, check the exercises as a class.
Part 4 Post ?reading activities
1. Ask the students to express their opinions on the following questions .(on the screen)
2. Ask the students to write a summary about Howard Carter.
3. Ask the students to focus on Part F and make up a dialogue as the example show. Make sure that all the students participate in the discussion.
Ok , So much for my teaching plan ,Thank you for your careful attention.