

I. 重点词汇
tear vt. 撕开
technique n.技巧技艺
tendency n.趋向
tension n.紧张
thirst n.口渴
thunderstorm n.暴风雨
tide n.潮汐
tobacco n.烟草
tolerate vt.忍受
triathlon n.三项全能运动
tropical adj.热带的
trustworthy adj.可信赖的
typical adj.典型的
typist n. 打字员
unconscious adj.不省人事的
underwear n.内衣裤
update v.使现代化
urgent adj.紧急的
venom n.恶意
vinegar n.醋
virtue n. 德行;美德 .
II. 重点短语
1.tear sth. to pieces把。。。撕成碎片
2.tear down撕下
3.turn into将。。。变成
4.turn down 关小;调低
5.turn in 上交
6.turn up到达;出现
7.urge against 反对
III. 佳句赏析
1.A mother feels tension while her baby is sick.
2.I can’t tolerate your bad manners any longer.
3.She turned down the job offer because she wanted more money.
4.He lay unconscious for hours.
5.He urged against the adoption of the measure..
IV. 词汇练习
1.He has a (趋向)to forget things.
2.The (紧张) in the Middle East is building up again.
3. The school cannot (容忍)cheating on exams.
4. It is (典型)of him to be so gentle.
V. 短语练习
1. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this creates further problems.
A. in short B. in case C. in doubt D. in turn
2. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t so much noise.
A. resist B.sustain C. tolerate D. undergo
3. It is a fact that there is a towards regional cooperation.
A. attendance B. tendency C. pretence D. fancy

IV. 1.tendency 2. tension 3. tolerate 4. typical 5. unconscious
V. 1.D 2.C 3. B